탑 배너
Chairman of the Society Greetings
인사말 / 회장 이사장
Honorable members of The Korean Society for Phlebology,
Chairman of the Society
Seong Ho Lee
Honorable members of
The Korean Society for Phlebology,
Seong Ho Lee
Chairman of the Society

Seong Ho Lee

Dear esteemed members of the Korean Society for Phlebology,

I extend my sincere respect and gratitude to all of you, who have contributed to the development of our society over the past 19 years. It is through your camaraderie and unity that our society has flourished into a hub of academic excellence in the field of venous diseases. I especially acknowledge the dedication of our past presidents, chairmen, and executive members, as well as every member who has shown unwavering support and interest in our society's endeavors.

As the Korean Society for Venous and Lymphatic Surgery celebrates its 20th anniversary, it is entering adulthood with an elevated status not only domestically but also internationally, transcending Asia to become part of the global community of prestigious medical societies. Therefore, it is our mission to reestablish our society domestically and consolidate our research and clinical experiences to make our society the epicenter of venous disease expertise. We will continue the preparations initiated by the previous executive boards to ensure that we become official members of the Korean Medical Association and solidify the foundation of our society and its journal during my term. With two decades of steadfast support from the finest venous disease specialists, I am confident that we can build upon this strong foundation with the active participation of our members.

Through our society, we will enhance and develop academic programs to share all essential information and new techniques needed in clinical practice, aiming to become the central hub for venous disease treatment. Additionally, we will strengthen online education and communication in the post-COVID era. To achieve this, we will gather and address the demands of all members, providing practical assistance and raising awareness in diagnosis and treatment.

Dear members, your passion and efforts showcased at our academic conferences are invaluable assets to the Korean Society for Venous and Lymphatic Surgery. I humbly request your continued interest and support as we strive for your rights and the advancement of our society.

Thank you.